Thursday, November 6, 2008

urban ecology: an oxymoron?

Edible City Trailer 1 from East Bay Pictures on Vimeo.

Edible City is a documentary scheduled for release in fall of 2009, and focuses on the modern food crisis as an issue of social justice and community development. It opens with a powerful and counterintuitive statement explaining that record grain harvests and record profits of the industry are accompanied by record levels of hunger. The program makes me really pleased and I hope to see more of this in my neighborhood!


danielle said...

Here is a pretty sweet local agriculture initiative near my home:

It brings up a valid point. Although there are many similarities between urban and agricultural farming, land cost is an issue I didn't consider...

Steve said...

This was very interesting and is also an issue I feel strongly about. As a public school teacher in NYC, my coworkers and I are appalled at the horrible quality of school lunches--reheated pizza, limp, tepid salad, hockey puck burger patties. It's to the point where most of the kids refuse to eat them and instead head to the vending machines.

Some schools have done interesting things with hiring outside agencies to come and cook their kids lunch, or also work with organizations who teach a class on healthy cooking and eating while at the same time organizing the kids to prepare and serve their fellow students lunch everyday. I think we're heading in that direction at my school.

Thanks for the post!

(thanks for reading us too!)